Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Capstan Gold Flake

Tin Notes:
Lord of the Rings fans rejoice! When the author of the famed and recently celebrated works lit his pipe we can be relatively sure that Capstan pipe tobacco was most likely what was burning. If you're a fan of Virginias and especially the Virginia  Flakes you'll need to pick up at least one each of these straightforward Capstan blends to realize that a great blend does not need a multitude of components to captivate your senses.

     Strength: Mild to Medium
        Flavor: Very Mild
          Taste: Mild
Room Note: Pleasant

The tin the aroma was of sweet hay. It was ready to smoke right out of the tin no drying required. On the charring light and true light the flavor of sweet hay was the predominant flavor. At one third of the bowl the Virginias released some citrus tanginess. The flavor remained consistent from this point to the end of the bowl. This blend smoked all the way to the bottom of the bowl with no dottle. This is the milder of the two flakes from Capstan. If you are looking for a pure Virginia smoking experience this is the one to try.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Capstan Original Flake (Blue)

Tin Notes:
Lord of the Rings fans rejoice! When the author of the famed and recently celebrated works lit his pipe we can be relatively sure that Capstan pipe tobacco was most likely what was burning. If you're a fan of Virginias and especially the Virginia  Flakes you'll need to pick up at least one each of these straightforward Capstan blends to realize that a great blend does not need a multitude of components to captivate your senses.

     Strength: Medium - Strong
        Flavor: Mild
          Taste: Medium
Room Note: Pleasant to Tolerable

Upon opening the tin the aroma of prunes and figs came wafting out. It was ready to smoke right out of the tin no drying required. On the charring light and true light the flavor of figs was the predominant flavor. About one third of the way into the bowl the flavor of hay started to show up. The flavor remained consistent from this point. This is a tobacco that must be sipped to avoid tongue bite. This blend smoked all the way to the bottom of the bowl leaving a light gray ash with no dottle.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Mac Baren Bell's Three Nuns

Tin Notes:
A blend of dark fired and sun cured tobaccos mixed with the finest Brazilian Lights to produce the unique flavour and mellow smoking characteristics for which Three Nuns is famous.

     Strength: Medium - Strong
        Flavor: Medium
          Taste: Medium
Room Note: Pleasant to Tolerable

The tin note was of spiced figs. On the charring and true lights the sweetness and tanginess of the Virginias were the predominate flavors. Less than one third of the bowl the spice of the Dark Fired Kentucky joined in the mix. I tried packing my pipes two different ways. First what I consider to be my normal packing the 3 Step Method* and secondly a loose pack. The first packing method the tobacco burned hot and the spice was boardline overpowering. The using the second method the tobacco burned much cooler and the spice was perfect. My recommendation would be to pack this blend loose and often. I recommend this blend highly.

* The Step 3 Method
Start by gravity-feeding the pipe to overflowing (sprinkle loose tobacco into the chamber until it mounds up over the top). Next, press the tobacco down until it’s compressed down to about the halfway point. Repeat the gravity-feed and pack to tobacco down to the 2/3rds to ¾ level. Repeat the gravity-feed and pack the tobacco down until it’s just below the rim of the chamber. At this point, take a draw on the stem. If the draw has a similar resistance to sucking soda through a straw, you’ve done it properly. If it feels like an empty straw, you’ve packed too loosely; if it’s like a thick shake, it’s packed too tight.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Sutliff PS Balkan Luxury Blend 957

Tine Notes:
Just as the Balkan Countries are a melting pot, this intriguing blend is an intermingling of Oriental, Perique, Latakia, and Black Cavendish. Experience the rich flavor as each of these fine tobaccos marries into the mix.

     Strength: Medium - Strong
        Flavor: Medium
          Taste: Medium
Room Note: Pleasant to Tolerable

The tin note was smoky. On the charring light the aroma of the Latakia and Orientals came forward. On the true light the coolness of the Cavendish kicked in. After a few more puffs the spiciness of the Perique was very apparent. Making this a blend that needs to be smoked slowly. The blend produced a large volume of smoke and burned down to the bottom of the bowl. The combination of the tobaccos culminated in a wonderful flavor. I would recommend this blend to any smoker of English blends.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Sutliff PS Academy

Tin Notes:
Plato’s academy was devoted to analyzing what could be known by the senses. The old philosopher surely would have been intrigued by the appearance, aroma, taste and feel of this pleasing aromatic spiked with Spicy Latakia. Sure to appeal to both Aromatic and English smokers.

     Strength: Medium
        Flavor: Mild to Medium
          Taste: Medium
Room Note: Pleasant

The tin note was mildly smoky. On the charring light the smokiness of the Latakia came right to the front. On the true light the Black Cavendish's slight vanilla and the nuttiness of the Burley joined in and pushed the Latakia to the background. The tobacco burned cool and well. This appears to be a crossover blend that both Aromatic and English smokers will like. This would also be a good tobacco for a smoker new to Latakia.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sutliff PS Top Shelf

Tin Notes:
While age and proof help define Top Shelf Bourbon, the deciding factor is taste. This extraordinary mixture of Burley, Virginia, and Black Cavendish is unsurpassed in smoothness and richness.

     Strength: Mild to Medium
        Flavor: Medium to Strong
          Taste: Medium
Room Note: Very Pleasant

The tin note was an amazing Bourbon aroma. On the charring light the Bourbon was the predominant flavor. On the true light the sweetness of Virginia became evident. About half way through the bowl there was a slight nuttiness in the background from the Burley. Through out the bowl the main flavor was then Bourbon. The tobacco burned well and had a few re-lights. I like the Bourbon casing very much. If you are looking for a Whiskey/Bourbon aromatic look no further.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Mac Baren HH Old Dark Fired

Tin Notes:
This blend is the 5th of the HH tobaccos. It is considered to be an English-style blend but, without Latakia. The meaning of “English-style” is because the techniques used in the production are very similar to how English factories used to produce tobacco in the past.
HH Old Dark Fired is a bold flake of dark-fired burleys in a well-balanced unity with Flue-cured Virginias. This flake is Hot Pressed, meaning that during the pressing, heat is added by steam to the tobaccos which causes the tobacco to intensify the marrying process giving us a bolder tobacco. The robust, earthly flavor of the dark-fired burleys shines through in the taste, and you will experience a deeply satisfying smoke indeed.

     Strength: Medium to Strong
        Flavor: Mild to Medium
          Taste: Medium to Full
Room Note: Tolerable

The tin note is amazing it had the rich smell of smoked meat. On the charring light the sweetness of  Flu-cured Virginias came to the front. On the true light the nuttiness of the Dark-Fired Burleys joined in. It seemed that with every puff more flavors were apparent earthiness, smokiness, and tartness. They all joined in to create symphony of great flavor. The tobacco burned well with only a few re-lights. It smoked all the way to the bottom of the bowl with little dottle. After having a few bowls I let the tobacco rest a little over a week and when I open the canning jar the note had a definite tomato aroma mixed in with the smoked meat smell. My understanding is that this is cause by the Virginias maturing. This did not last once I put the tobacco into my pouch. I recommend HH Old Dark Fired to anyone who enjoys a full flavored blend. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Sutliff PS Man’s Best Friend

Tin Notes:
Perfect for fans of Barking Dog. Another American Classic in the English vein. Smooth toasted Burley cubes blended with premium grade Latakia and Lemon Virginia Flake. Cased with a uniquely mild rum top dressing to produce a subtle pleasing flavor and room aroma.

     Strength: Medium
        Flavor: Mild to Medium
          Taste: Medium
Room Note: Pleasant to Tolerable

The tin note was smoky and earthy. On the charring light the smokiness of the Latakia was the prominent flavor. On the true light the nuttiness of Burley and tanginess of the Lemon Virginia flake kicked in and pushed the Latakia to the back ground. This blend has a well balanced flavor. The Latakia remained in the background after the charring light. The tobacco burned cool and produced a good volume of smoke. It smoked all the way to the bottom of the bowl and left a light gray ash with no dottle. I would highly recommend Man's Best Friend.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Sutliff PS Charlemagne

Tin Notes:
This extraordinary blend of Burley, Virginia and world famous Green River is the epitome of culture as exemplified by Charlemagne himself.

     Strength: Mild to Medium
        Flavor: Mild to Medium
          Taste: Medium
Room Note: Pleasant

The tin note was of vanilla and rum.  On the charring light the vanilla was the dominate flavor. On the true light the sweet hay from the Virginias added to the vanilla made for a great flavor. At about a third of the way through the bowl the nuttiness of the Burley came to the front. The rum flavor never really came out. The tobacco burned cool and produced a good volume of smoke. I would recommend this as an all day blend.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Sutliff PS CD Blend Mixture

Tin Notes:
Perfect for fans of Country Doctor. This remarkable blend is the cure-all for smoking nostalgia. Burley, Virginia, Latakia, Flake and Perique combine to provide that old time flavor.

     Strength: Mild to Medium
        Flavor: Mild to Medium
          Taste: Medium
Room Note: Pleasant

The tin note was combination of smoky and figgy. This blend was ready to smoke right from the tin no drying time needed. On the charring light the smokiness of the Latakia was came to the front. On the true light the Latakia had moved to the background an the flavor of sweet hay from the Virginia took over. The Perique's pepperiness and slight nutty flavor from the Burley mixed in after the first third of the bowl. By the half way point the Perique and Burley were the major players in the flavor.  The tobacco burned well and stayed lit with a few re-lights.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Mac Baren Mixture (Scottish Blend)

Tin Notes:
When Mixture first appeared on the market in 1958, it was the object of much attention. Pipe smokers could now enjoy a finely balanced pipe tobacco offering a fine blend of tobacco leaves with a slightly aromatic flavour.
This was the result of many years of development, inspired by Jørgen Halberg’s great store of knowledge of tobacco leaves and the production of pipe tobacco.
Mixture is made from more than 35 different tobacco leaves from different parts of the world. Each leaf has its own special qualities and only by blending them in the right proportions does Mixture achieve its unique flavour.
Naturally, what goes into Mixture remains secret, although we can disclose some information. The loose cut tobacco in Mixture is light, sweet Virginia. One of the secrets behind the special pleasure that Mixture provides is that pressed Virginia and Burley tobaccos have been added, but they are broken up prior to being blended with the rest of the secret ingredients. Our meticulous pressing process imparts new qualities to the tobaccos that would otherwise not exist. The breaking up of the pressed tobaccos makes it easier to fill your pipe, while giving Mixture the added advantage of burning slowly. In addition to the best Virginia and Burley tobaccos, there is another component that makes Mixture unique. The loose cut Mac Baren Original Cavendish provides the final special touch. Contrasting the light Virginia tobacco, Original Cavendish is not only a joy to look at, it also gives Mixture the final nuance of taste that completes the blend. The carefully balanced aromatic top flavour, together with the tobacco leaves, makes Mixture a unique blend.

     Strength: Mild to Medium
        Flavor: Mild to Medium
          Taste: Medium
Room Note: Pleasant

The tin note was of honey and maple. The tobacco did not needed to be dried before smoking. On the charring light there was notes of honey, maple and leather. On the true light the sweetness, of the Virginias and the nuttiness of the Burley became evident. The tobacco burned well producing a large volume of smoke. This tobacco should be puffed slowly to avoid tongue bite. This blend is listed as an aromatic, but the casing is very light and unobtrusive. I would recommend this blend to anyone.