Tin Notes:
This intricate aromatic is a mixture of seven distinct Vanilla sub-blends. It is a cornucopia of leaf in a variety of cuts ranging from Burley and Virginia to Black Cavendish. In that regard it is much like tracing the lineage of royalty.The name fits this blend rather well.
Strength: Mild
Flavor: Medium
Taste: Mild
Room Note: Pleasant
The tin note was of vanilla. On the charring light the flavor was of vanilla. The vanilla flavor was not overpowering, but smooth and delicious. On the true light a mild nuttiness from the Burley was added to the vanilla. A third of the way into the bowl the citrus and sweet grass flavors were added to the profile from the Virginias. The Archduke Ferdinand blend did not bite at all. It burned cool and well leaving no dottle. I would recommend giving this blend a try and it could become your everyday smoke.