Thursday, July 24, 2014

Sutliff PS Archduke Ferdinand

Tin Notes:
This intricate aromatic is a mixture of seven distinct Vanilla sub-blends. It is a cornucopia of leaf in a variety of cuts ranging from Burley and Virginia to Black Cavendish. In that regard it is much like tracing the lineage of royalty.The name fits this blend rather well.

     Strength: Mild
        Flavor: Medium
          Taste: Mild
Room Note: Pleasant

The tin note was of  vanilla. On the charring light the flavor was of vanilla. The vanilla flavor was not overpowering, but smooth and delicious. On the true light a mild nuttiness from the Burley was added to the vanilla. A third of the way into the bowl the citrus and sweet grass flavors were added to the profile from the Virginias. The Archduke Ferdinand blend did not bite at all. It burned cool and well leaving no dottle. I would recommend giving this blend a try and it could become your everyday smoke.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Sutliff PS Kasimir

Tin Notes:
Kasimir denotes status as several Polish kings and prominent military leaders have borne the name. This extraordinary English Mixture of  Smoky Latakia, Rich Orientals, Golden Virginias and Burley could not be more aptly named.

     Strength: Medium
        Flavor: Mild
          Taste: Medium
Room Note: Pleasant

The tin note was of the smoky Latakia. The blend's moisture was good to go right from the tin. On the charring light the smokiness of Latakia was right there. On the true light the spiciness of the Orientals joined in. About a third of the way into the bowl the sweet hay flavor of the Virginias was apparent, and a short time after that the faint nuttiness of Burley jumped in to the mix. Kasimir burned cool and all the way to the bottom of the bowl leaving only light gray ashes. The Latakia in Kasimir in not over powering but is noticeable. This may replace Blend No. 5 as my favorite English. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sutliff PS County Cork

Tin Notes:
The majority of all Irish Whisky produced in Ireland today comes from County Cork. What better way to pay tribute to this superb Whisky blend of Virginia and Burley than to call it County Cork.

     Strength: Mild to Medium
        Flavor: Medium
          Taste: Medium
Room Note: Pleasant

The tin note was of the Irish Whisky. The blend was a little moist directly from the tin. So a little drying time was necessary. On the charring light and the true light the flavor and aroma was of the Irish Whisky. About a quarter of the way into the bowl the sweetness of the Virginia and a slight nuttiness from the Burley was added to the flavor profile. Three quarters of the way through the bowl the Irish Whisky flavor started to fade leaving just the tobacco flavor. County Cork burned well with only a few relights.