The English revere tradition perhaps more than any other nationality. But leave it to the English to put their unique twist upon things. The Court of St. James’s is determined by the residence of the monarch. This straightforward mixture of Rich Virginias and Spicy Perique Tobaccos is anything but your traditional English Blend.
Strength: Medium
Flavor: None detected
Taste: Medium to Full
Room Note: Tolerable
The tin note was earthy and smokey. No additional drying was needed. I know that Latakia is not listed as one of the tobaccos in the blend but it is in there, but not enough for it to be called a Latakia forward blend. On the charring light and true light the smokiness of the Latakia was prominent. After a several more puffs the peppery spices of the Perique kicked in. About a quarter of the way into the bowl the sweat grassy flavor of the Virginias came to the front. The flavor of Latakia move to more of a condiment as the bowl went on. Court of St. James burned well without any relights or bite. It is a great English blend that is well worth trying.