Friday, October 31, 2014

Mac Baren Modern Virginia Flake

Tin Notes:
Virginia, Modern Cavendish and Burley are manufactured separately, and finally the tobaccos are gently hand blended into the final blend. The Modern Virginia Loose Cut is manufactured from Virginias out of 2 continents. Bright yellow and a darker Virginia have been used combined with a Modern Cavendish, to secure a soft and smooth smoke with a touch of Burley. This blend provides you with the natural sweetness from the Virginia tobaccos combined with just a slight topping of sweet, ripe fruit. Furthermore your surroundings will appreciate the pleasant room note.

       Strength: Medium
          Flavor: Mild
           Taste: Mild-Medium
  Room Note: Pleasant

The tin note was of ripe apricots. On the charring light a citrus flavor and a grassy flavor from the Bright and Darker Virginias was detected. On the true light the flavor was of apricots. About a quarter of the way through the bowl a slight nuttiness from the Burley joined the flavor profile. Also the apricot flavor did fade but was still represented. Modern Virginia Flake burned well with only any few relights. This is a great tasting Aromatic that does not overpower the tobacco's natural flavor. As far as the difference between the Loose Cut and Flake versions of this blend I believe that the fruit flavor was less prominent in the flake version.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Mac Baren Modern Virginia Loose Cut

Tin Notes:
Virginia, Modern Cavendish and Burley are manufactured separately, and finally the tobaccos are gently hand blended into the final blend. The Modern Virginia Loose Cut is manufactured from Virginias out of 2 continents. Bright yellow and a darker Virginia have been used combined with a Modern Cavendish, to secure a soft and smooth smoke with a touch of Burley. This blend provides you with the natural sweetness from the Virginia tobaccos combined with just a slight topping of sweet, ripe fruit. Furthermore your surroundings will appreciate the pleasant room note.

       Strength: Medium
          Flavor: Mild - Medium
           Taste: Mild-Medium
  Room Note: Pleasant

The tin note was of ripe apricots. On the charring light the flavor was of apricots. On the true light a citrus flavor and a grassy flavor from the Bright and Darker Virginias was detected. About a quarter of the way through the bowl a slight nuttiness from the Burley joined the flavor profile. Also the apricot flavor did fade a little but was still well represented. Modern Virginia Loose Cut burned well with only any few relights. This is a great tasting Aromatic that does not overpower the tobacco's natural flavor.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Sutliff 1849

Tin Notes:
Henry Sutliff opened the first of his shops back in 1849 in San Francisco on Kearny Street. This fine mixture of Sweet Virginia and Spicy Perique is in commemoration of the founding of America’s oldest pipe tobacco company.

       Strength: Mild
          Flavor: Mild
           Taste: Medium
  Room Note: Pleasant

The tin note was of figs or raisins. The tobacco was ready to smoke right from the tin, no drying time needed. On the charring light and the true light the a tangy citrus flavor from the Flu Cured Virginia was the predominate flavor. Shortly afterwards a sweet hay flavor from the Red Virginia was added to the flavor profile. A quarter of the way into the bowl the spice of the Perique was noticeable in the background. 1849 burned well with little dottle and no relights. I do recommend to pack Sutliff 1849 a little loose. This blend would be a good all day smoke for VaPer lovers and good anytime smoke for everyone else.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sutliff PS Old San Francisco

Tin Notes:
The California Gold Rush quickly transformed San Francisco from a small town to a booming metropolitan center of 25,000 by December 1849. Enterprising businessmen were quick to capitalize on the newly generated wealth. It was during this economic boom when Henry Sutliff opened the first of his shops. Sutliff quality tobaccos remain among the best with this complex English Mixture comprised of Virginia, Perique, Dark Fired Burley and Latakia.

       Strength: Medium
          Flavor: Mild
           Taste: Medium
  Room Note: Tolerable

The tin note was the rich aroma of the Dark Fired Burley and Virginia. The tobacco was ready to smoke directly from the tin, no drying time was needed. On the charring light the smokey flavor of the Latakia was the predominate flavor, On the true light the coca and nutty flavor of the Dark Fired Burley became the predominate flavor and the Latakia faded to more of a condiment. A quarter of the into the bowl the sweet hay flavor of the Virginia joined the flavor profile. The spice of the Perique floated in and out of the of the flavor during the entire bowl, Old San Francisco burned cool and well. Another fine English blend from our friends at Sutliff.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sutliff PS Lord of the Manor

Tin Notes:

The term Lord of the Manor dates backs to medieval English feudalism. In more modern terminology it is used for land registry. It is indeed quirky how terminology changes over time. A case in point, all blends made under British Tobacco Purity Laws were known as English Blends, whether or not they contained any Latakia. You can rest assured that this English Mixture has an abundance of Latakia along with Burley, Virginia, Perique and Smyrna.

       Strength: Medium
          Flavor: None detected
            Taste: Medium
  Room Note: Tolerable

The tin note was of the smokey Latakia. The tobacco was ready to smoke right out of the tin, no drying time needed. On the charring light the Latakia made its presents know. On the true light the spices of the Smyrna and Perique came into play. About a quarter of the way into the bowl a tangy citrus flavor from the Virginia joined the flavor profile along with a faint nuttiness from the Burley. Lord of the Manor burned cool and well leaving a gray ash with no dottle. Be warned this is definitely a Latakia forward blend. That being said it is a great English that I would recommend.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sutliff PS Loire Valley

Tin Notes:

The Loire Valley has been referred to as the Garden of France primarily because of its’ temperate climate with an abundance of vineyards and fruit orchards.This Fruity Aromatic Blend is sure to please with its’ Raspberry and Mango notes applied to a Black Cavendish Base.

     Strength: Mild
        Flavor: Medium
          Taste: Medium
Room Note: Very Pleasant

The tin note is of Raspberries. It reminded me of the Raspberry jellies that I use to get at the penny candy store, The blend did not require any drying time.The charring light and the true light was the rich flavor of Raspberries. After about a third of a way through the bowl the Mango flavor started to creep into the flavor profile. Towards the last third of the bowl the Raspberry and Mango seemed to trade places as far as the dominate flavor. Lorie Valley burned cool with no bite. If you like Halberg Green then this blend is a must try.