Tin Notes:
Virginia, Modern Cavendish and Burley are manufactured separately, and finally the tobaccos are gently hand blended into the final blend. The Modern Virginia Loose Cut is manufactured from Virginias out of 2 continents. Bright yellow and a darker Virginia have been used combined with a Modern Cavendish, to secure a soft and smooth smoke with a touch of Burley. This blend provides you with the natural sweetness from the Virginia tobaccos combined with just a slight topping of sweet, ripe fruit. Furthermore your surroundings will appreciate the pleasant room note.
Flavor: Mild
Taste: Mild-Medium
Room Note: Pleasant
The tin note was of ripe apricots. On the charring light a citrus flavor and a grassy flavor from the Bright and Darker Virginias was detected. On the true light the flavor was of apricots. About a quarter of the way through the bowl a slight nuttiness from the Burley joined the flavor profile. Also the apricot flavor did fade but was still represented. Modern Virginia Flake burned well with only any few relights. This is a great tasting Aromatic that does not overpower the tobacco's natural flavor. As far as the difference between the Loose Cut and Flake versions of this blend I believe that the fruit flavor was less prominent in the flake version.