Monday, September 23, 2013

Mac Baren Dark Twist Roll Cake

Tin Note:
Dark Twist was introduced in 1955. It is rightfully the most known of the Mac Baren Roll Cake tobaccos. Whole leaves are used as wrapper for the rope and the inlay is divided into two groups.
The first group contains 100% pure Virginia tobaccos, meaning that the whole leaves are used as wrapper leaves and the leaves with small imperfections are used as the inlay.
The second group contains whole Virginia leaves as wrapper and Dark Fired Kentucky as inlay, meaning you see the dark tobacco in the centre and the brighter Virginias around it.
After the tobaccos have been spun into ropes it is stored for weeks and then cut into small coins. The blend of Dark Twist is broken down as follows. For every 2 coins of Virginia tobacco there is 1 coin with a centre of Dark Fired Kentucky.

     Strength: Medium - Strong
        Flavor: Medium
          Taste: Medium
Room Note: Pleasant

The tin note was the rich scent of the Virginia was great. The tobacco need to be dried for awhile before smoking, The charring light released the rich flavor of  the Virginias.  On the true light the flavor was mostly from the Virginias. After smoking the first quarter of the bowl I must of hit the second type of coin with the Dark Fired Kentucky and the flavor tool off in a different direction of pleasure. After this bowl I tried to make sure that when I loaded the coins into the bowl I alternated between the two types. This made for a much better overall smoking experience. The tobacco smoked well with a minimum amount of relights. This is a must try for the experienced smoker.

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